Tailored Therapeutic Programmes
Therapeutic Art
To combat isolation and loneliness, giving you the opportunity to meet new people and share your skills. We provide skilled tutors for guidance and support.
Journal Journey
Gives you the opportunity to capture emotions and snapshots of life through therapeutic, creative expression. Enabling positive therapeutic growth.
Positivity Empowerment Bracelets
A creative therapeutic tool that you make and individualise in a unique way. By anchoring the bracelet to your personal needs, it can then be used as a daily therapeutic tool to gain back control over any trauma, mental health issues, confidence, self worth, anxiety and much more.
Men’s Groups
Providing an enjoyable way to stay socially integrated with other men in the local community, stay active and learn or pass on skills with the aim of continuing physical and mental activity, improving men’s health & wellbeing.
Pain Management Support Groups
A delivered programme of therapeutic coping strategies and information, along with a facilitated peer support group. With the aim of participants becoming happier, more active members of their own life.
Reminiscence Project
For those living with memory loss and dementia, their carer’s, families or friends to access social and engaging activities on a regular bases. Promoting the use of Arts, Heritage and Culture to improve the quality of life and enhance the mental and emotional wellbeing for those living with dementia or cognitive difficulties.